Back in the 75 days, we were encouraged to hide literature (namely Watchtowers) inside plastic liquid detergent bottles and bury them in our gardens for use when the work was under ban (any day now) so that we would be able to get "spiritual sustenance" on a regular basis. The fear was that we'd give up our faith or forget our beliefs if we were put under persecution unless we had the literature there to remind up what we were supposed to think.
At first glance, it seemed like it made sense but then one had to wonder what they were supposed to do if they were driven away from their home (as they said we would be) or if there was new light that came out after you buried your literature bottles. Would you still be let into the new system if you had held firm to the wrong version of the "Truth"?
I wonder where all those bottles full of "old light" are these 44 years later ? I always expected to hear an experience at the assembly where someone dug up one of those old bottles and immediately contacted JW's for a bible study which of course was followed up with baptism of the individual and their entire family.